The Narayan Rane revolt

20020225162834001Well well.. they are at it again 🙂 Our so called leaders never seize to amaze us do they. When the public sentiment is at its lowest, there is anger and fear in the streets, tensions with Pakistan are mounting our dear Mr Narayan decided to belittle the Congress parties choice for Chief Minister.. and that to before the official announcement was made. He said that Chavan is not “Fit” to be the Chief Minister and what is happening in the   party now is all “Natak”. Well Mr Rane, India agrees with the natak part however I for one agree with Sonia Gandhi’s choice in this matter. The time had come for  a new face to lead Mumbai in this state of crisis and she took the tough decision of taking the road less traveled. I am not saying that Chavan is the right choice. I do not know Chavan but Rane was a definite bad choice especially after Chhagan Bhujbal (of the Telgi scam fame) was named the the Deputy chief minister. Rane’s comments against Deshmukh

“Vilasrao Deshmukh’s behavior was shameful. He is a blot on the position of CM and has the blood of all dead and injured on his hands”

are also disgraceful because going by his behavior today the situation would have been no different had Rane been the chief minister.

What remains to be seen is how the next few days will chalk out. Rane has categorically stated that he wont work under Chavan and as such the Congress party is in danger of falling into minority. Also  we should remember that Mr Rane is an ex Sena member.

When will they realize the publics mood. Dear “leaders” we are in NO MOOD for political bickering. It is the time for action NOT infighting. At a time like this we should take bipartisan stands and work together, but alas what we get is political infighting. Is there any hope for the people of Mumbai. Only time will tell. As of now i feel that the “Spirit” of mumbai is dying a slow death. There are some very interesting opinions here.

On a brighter note petrol will be cheaper by Rs 5 from tomorrow. Time to fill up the bike and take a trip into the wilderness. As it is the wilderness is safer than the cities 🙂

~ by bewilderedandconfused on December 5, 2008.

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