My GMAT Prep – An Overview

banner_gmatA lot of people asked me to summarize my prep and put it up as a simple short post. So here it is.

I had a lot (and I mean a lot) of false starts in my prep. By false starts I mean that I used to study for 2 – 3 days and then chuck it again. I needed a jatka to really start preparing and I got that around October (My girl gave the GMAT.. and she started talking about it 1 year after me !!!).

So people if you are the lazy kinds trust me. Pick a date. It aint gonna happen till you actually pick a date and pay out the cash. That’s when it pinches and studies get serious.

As for the material

1. Princeton review (good but not comprehensive.. a good place to start)
2. OG 10 and 11 (between the two of them a HUGE question bank)
3. Manhattan for SC (gets all your concepts straight..a must do)
4. Spidey notes on SC.. great resource for the finer points
5. 1000 question pack (did only 20 %)

Practice tests and my scores with stage of prep

1. Gmat Prep Test 1 : 720 : first week of prep
2. Princeton Review test 1 : 690 (47Q/39V) : 18 oct
3. Kaplan Test 1 : 650 |
4. Kaplan Test 2 : 640 |                   Basically i did one
5. Kaplan Test 3 : 660 |                   every weekend
6. Kaplan Test 4 : 620 | — this one was a shocker
7. Princeton Review test 2 : 710 (51Q/37V) : 18 dec
8. Princeton Review test 3 : 690 (51Q/34V) : 19 dec
9. Princeton Review test 4 : 680 (44Q/40V) : 21 dec (this one scared the SHIT out of me)

While I was preparing i never really looked on to these forums much and definitely did not do any questions I found on the net. What the tests told me continuously was that I sucked at SC. So i attacked that by doing sheer numbers.

Another thing I did (and this really helped) is maintain excel sheets containing all my answers. This helped me in attacking the ones I had gotten wrong on a later date and also to figure out where I needed more study.

Ne thing else u need to know please ask…

Ohh and I got 770 on the 2nd GMAT prep test. They say what u get on this is what u get on the exam.. Guess they were right. (thank god for that)

~ by bewilderedandconfused on December 3, 2008.

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